Maggies – Dream Impact

Maggie’s are focussing on the impact of the cost of living crisis which is especially hitting people with cancer – a high number of people coming to Maggies centre are thinking of finishing treatment early or even not having it at all just because they don’t think they can afford it, which is just awful. Fortunately Maggies can help them financially as well as with the stress caused. 

For Maggies donation every £100 raised at Dream means four people newly diagnosed with cancer can get immediate emotional support and practical help from a Cancer Support Specialist  So that means two thousand, one hundred and fifty people are able to be supported following the Dream the Impossible Event.

Read more about how your donation has helped the service users:-

Ged’s story

“I know my cancer is incurable and that it is also an aggressive cancer.

When I first came to Maggie’s, Lisa, one of the Cancer Support Specialists, came over to chat and an hour and a half later I was feeling so emotional as she was just there listening to me. She was so supportive and I really felt I could open up to her, I didn’t even notice anyone else around me, I just forgot anyone was there and could just talk.

Walking up the road towards Maggie’s I feel so good – the sense of coming home. The team helped me with my financial support as well and I’ve been a regular part of the prostate cancer support group.

I couldn’t manage life without Maggie’s – it’s part of my life now and I’ve made friends here. It gives you a warmth and there’s no agenda. You can take from it what you need.”


Emma’s Story

“Guy was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer when we were both in our 30s. It was a devasting blow, particularly as the girls were still so young.

I knew I needed support, I have many great friends but they didn’t really get it. I needed a bit of calm, and I needed somewhere to talk about me. I spoke to Robin at Maggie’s, who invited me along to the Friends and Family group. I loved the group – it was 2 hours each week where I could think just about me. I could talk about difficult emotions of feeling angry, anxious, sad, worried and it felt safe as others felt the same. It was such a relief to find people who understood and were in the same boat.

When I realised that he wouldn’t get better and any treatment was only about extending Guy’s life, things started to come crashing down and I realised I wasn’t doing well. Robin at Maggie’s helped me navigate the uncertainty around what would happen and by the end of our sessions I could calmly acknowledge that Guy was going to die but also know how I would cope afterwards.

If Maggie’s wasn’t there – I hate to think about this – I would have crumbled. As a carer I felt overlooked in the cancer world so really appreciate having a place that was for me too.”


Christine’s story

“Being told my cancer had spread on the day I was supposed to start chemotherapy to cure me was hard and overwhelming. I was shocked, traumatised and full of panic.

The moment I walked through the door I just felt a calming atmosphere. I needed to be somewhere that wasn’t the hospital and to talk to someone as I needed help – Maggie’s offered me a safe space where I could share all my fears and worries.

Maggie’s has meant I don’t dread coming to the hospital so much. I don’t need to spend hours there as I can come over to Maggie’s which makes it so much better.

For the first time in my life I feel I’m discovering me again and am in a much better place.”

Website by AgencyforGood

Copyright 2025 Tim Bacon Foundation

Tim Bacon Foundation