Dave Mansbridge

Dave Mansbridge

Dave is the Managing Director of Mercury Support,  a company made possible by the unwavering support given to him by Tim and Jeremy.  He worked for Living Ventures as a senior manager for 20 years and was responsible for the Health and Safety, Compliance, Training, Licensing, Insurance and all manner of stuff that nobody else wanted to do… Tim called Dave the company “Fun Police” which resulted in many shouting matches across the office,  all done in good humour.

Following Tim’s passing Dave was honoured to be asked by Jeremy to get involved at the inception of the Tim Bacon Foundation . He sits on the board with a hands on approach working alongside Jane Atherton (the unsung hero behind the current successes of the foundation) supporting and guiding the fundraising events and is also involved in the selection process of the beneficiary charities.

Dave said “Tim and his legacy are very important to me.  If Tim hasn’t spotted something in me many years ago, I would not be enjoying the successes I am achieving today and I know I’m not the only one who Tim put on the road to victory”

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Tim Bacon Foundation